If you have any legal issues please contact appropriate media file owners / hosters.

We do not host any files on our server nor we upload any movies on other hosting websites. Our website workes like a search engine, gathering and sorting movies from other websites and showing the embeded code or the direct link. So we are absolutely legal.
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Movie4k.to is back as Movie4k.al

 Movie4k.to  Movie2k.to    is back as Movie4k.al   Nobody should have the power to suppress somebody just because of money!

Movie2k.al Movie2k.to

This site is the result of the need of many Human Beings. Everyone wants Movie2k.to/Movie2k.al back.

We, the Citizens, have to make clear that a "copyright infringement" cannot be compared to a violent crime. How come bootlegger get five years of jail time while child abuser are free on a 22-month probation? That is because money is way more important than an unique human life.

You cannot suppress the will of the People! One website goes, the next day five new appear. Did not the time come to overthink your marketing concepts and accept the new media?

Thank You to all supporting us! Let's not give up and fight for our internet freedom! #Movie4k #Movie2k

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